score-k8s resources provisioners

resources provisioners of score-k8s

score-k8s comes with out-of-the-box support for:

ampq(any)(none)host, port, username, password, vhost
mongodb(any)(none)host, port, username, password, connection
mssql(any)(none)server, port, username, password, database, connection
mysql(any)(none)host, port, name (aka database), username, password
postgres(any)(none)host, port, name (aka database), username, password
redis(any)(none)host, port, username, password
route(any)host, path, port
s3(any)(none)endpoint, region, bucket, access_key_id, secret_key
service-port(any)workload, porthostname, port

These can be found in the default provisioners file. You are encouraged to write your own provisioners and add them to the .score-k8s directory (with the .provisioners.yaml extension) or contribute them upstream to the default.provisioners.yaml file.

Users are encouraged to write their own custom provisioners to support new resource types or to modify the implementations above. See example here.