score-k8s CLI reference

CLI reference for score-k8s

The score-k8s CLI provides a set of commands and flags to enable the generation of Kubernetes manifests from Score specifications.



The init command will prepare the current directory for working with score-k8s and write the initial empty state and default provisioners file into the '.score-k8s' subdirectory. The '.score-k8s' directory contains state that will be used to generate any Kubernetes resource manifests including potentially sensitive data and raw secrets, so this should not be checked into generic source control.

score-k8s init [flags]


The init command can be combined with the following flags:

--file | -f

Specifies a Score file to initialize. By default this is ./score.yaml.

score-k8s init --file custom_file_name.yaml


Disables the generation of the sample Score file if you already have a Score file in place.

score-k8s init --no-sample

--help | -h

Displays help information for init, providing a short description of the command along with examples and compatible flags.

score-k8s init --help


The generate command will convert Score files in the current Score state into a combined set of Kubernetes manifests. All resources and links between Workloads will be resolved and provisioned as required. score-k8s init must be run first. An error will be thrown if the project directory is not present.

score-k8s generate [flags]


The generate command can be combined with the following flags:


Specifies an optional container image to use for any container with image == '.'.

score-k8s generate --image your_container_image

--output | -o

Specifies the output file to write the manifest to. By default, the output file is named manifest.yaml.

score-k8s generate --output your_output_file.yaml


Specifies an optional set of path=key overrides to set or remove.

score-k8s generate --override-property path1=value1


Specifies an optional file of Score overrides to merge in.

score-k8s generate score.yaml --overrides-file=./overrides.score.yaml


Specifies an optional set of <kind|*>/<name|*>/path=key operations for the output manifests.

score-k8s generate --patch-manifests 'Deployment/my-workload/spec.replicas=3'

--help | -h

Displays help information for generate, providing a short description of the command along with examples and compatible flags.

score-k8s generate --help


The help command provides information on all commands.

score-k8s help [command] [flags]

Global flags

--help | -h

Displays help information for score-k8s, includig available commands and flags.

score-k8s --help


Mutes any logging output.

score-k8s --quiet

--verbose count | -v

Increases log verbosity and detail by specifying this flag one or more times.

score-k8s --verbose count


Displays the version of score-k8s.

score-k8s --version