score-compose CLI reference

CLI reference for score-compose

The score-compose CLI provides a set of commands and flags to enable the generation of Docker Compose files from Score specifications.



The init command creates a basic score.yaml file in the current directory and initializes a .score-compose/ working directory if it doesn’t already exist. The .score-compose/ directory is used to store local state and should be excluded from version control systems such as Git by adding it to your .gitignore file.

score-compose init [flags]


The init command can be combined with the following flags:

--file | -f

Specifies a Score file to initialize. By default this is ./score.yaml.

score-compose init --file custom_file_name.yaml


Disables the generation of the sample Score file if you already have a Score file in place.

score-compose init --no-sample

--project | -p

Sets the name of the Docker Compose project. By default, the project name is the same as the current directory name.

score-compose init --project score-compose2

--provisioners | -p

Loads additional provisoners from a remote url. May be specified multiple times. Supports http://host/file, https://host/file, git-ssh://git@host/repo.git/file, and git-https://host/repo.git/file formats.

score-compose init --provisioners

--help | -h

Displays help information for init, providing a short description of the command along with examples and compatible flags.

score-compose init --help


The generate command converts the Score file(s) in the current Score Compose project into a combined Docker Compose manifest. All resources and links between Workloads will be resolved and provisioned as required. Please be aware that score-compose init must be run first. An error will be thrown if the project directory is not present.

score-compose generate [flags]


The generate command can be combined with the following flags:


Specifies an optional build context to use for the given container. The format is either --build=container=./dir or --build=container={'"context":"./dir"}.

score-compose generate --build container=./dir


Specifies the location to store a skeleton .env file for Docker Compose. This will override existing content if present.

score-compose generate --env-file /path/to/env-file


Specifies an optional container image to use for any container with image == '.'.

score-compose generate --image your_container_image

--output | -o

Specifies the output file to write the composed Docker Compose file to. By default, the output file is named compose.yaml.

score-compose generate --output your_output_file.yaml


Specifies an optional set of path=key overrides to set or remove.

score-compose generate --override-property path1=value1


Specifies an optional file of Score overrides to merge in.

score-compose generate score.yaml --overrides-file=./overrides.score.yaml


Specifies an optional set of HOST_PORT::CONTAINER_PORT to publish on the host system. could be either for the workload (example: 8080:my-workload:80) or for a resource (example:

score-compose generate score.yaml --publish 8080:my-workload:80

--help | -h

Displays help information for generate, providing a short description of the command along with examples and compatible flags.

score-compose generate --help


The completion command generates an autocompletion script for score-compose in the specified shell.

score-compose completion [command]

The completion command can be combined with the following subcommands:

  • bash: Generate the autocompletion script for bash
  • fish: Generate the autocompletion script for fish
  • powershell: Generate the autocompletion script for powershell
  • zsh: Generate the autocompletion script for zsh


The completion command can be combined with the following flags:

--help | -h

Displays details on how to use the generated script.

score-compose completion [command] --help

run (deprecated)

The run command translates the Score file into a Docker Compose file. Please note that this command is deprecated as it does not support resource provisioning out of the box. Please use the generate command instead.

score-compose run --file ./score.yaml \
  --output ./compose.yaml \
  --env-file ./backend.env


The run command can be combined with the following flags:


Replaces the image name with the specified string.

score-compose run -f ./score.yaml -o ./compose.yaml --build web


Specifies the location to store sample .env file.

score-compose run -f ./score.yaml -o ./compose.yaml --env-file ./backend.env

--file | f

Specifies the path to the Score file. Uses ./score.yaml as a default value if the flag isn’t specified.

score-compose run -f ./another-score.yaml

--output | -o

The output location of the Compose file. Uses ./compose.yaml as a default value if the flag isn’t specified.

score-compose run -f ./score.yaml -o ./another-compose.yaml

--property | -p

Overrides selected property value.

--help | -h

Displays help output for the run command.

score-compose run -h


The help command provides information on all commands.

score-compose help [command] [flags]

Global flags

--help | -h

Displays help information for score-compose, includig available commands and flags.

score-compose --help


Mutes any logging output.

score-compose --quiet

--verbose count | -v

Increases log verbosity and detail by specifying this flag one or more times.

score-compose --verbose count


Displays the version of score-compose.

score-compose --version