Creating a new Score implementation

A guide to creating new Score implementations deploying to other platforms


  1. Experience using score-compose or score-k8s.

    It’s important to understand the day-to-day development and deployment flow when using Score. These reference command line interfaces help guide the behavior of any new implementations.

  2. A good understanding of the parts of the Score specification including resources and supported placeholders.

  3. A target container runtime or container platform. The minimum requirement is that the platform can run Docker or Open Container images; set the entrypoint command and arguments; and inject environment variables at runtime. This includes everything from local Docker engine to cloud container platforms such as Amazon Elastic Container Service, Google Cloud Platform Cloud Run Services, Azure Container Apps, and others.

Requirements for a Score implementation

The core responsibilities of a Score implementation are:

  1. Workload Collection: Gather and validate Score workload files from the user and local context.

    For example, score-compose and score-k8s do this in the generate command and accept additional Score files along with --overrides, and --image defaults.

  2. Resource Provisioning: Provision all of the resources mentioned in the resources section of the Score workload files. Do this before converting the workloads into their final format, since ${resource...} placeholders depend on the outputs of the provisioned resources. “Provision” has no specific meaning other than it either succeeds or fails based on supported resource types and results in a set of outputs for each resource.

  3. Workload Conversion: Convert the workloads into the desired output manifests while resolving all placeholders. The output manifests are specific to the target runtime platform. score-compose converts the output to Docker Compose manifests, while score-k8s returns a Kubernetes YAML document. The implementation should apply best-practice configuration and security where possible. Extra configuration and options should only be needed to enable unique behavior or more privileged access.

Note that although the reference Score implementations are command line interfaces, some Score implementations run as API and Web-UI based applications and support the same Score specification and core responsibilities.

Also note, that some Score implementations provide more utility operations beyond these such as resource lifecycle management, complex resource provisioning, and application deployment however these aren’t required for a Score implementation.

Find more detail on these steps below.

Workload collection and validation

  • 1: The implementation must support collecting one or more YAML-formatted files following the Score specification.
    • 1.1: The implementation should support multiple Score workloads deployed together and referring to shared resource outputs, but this isn’t required. Multiple Score workloads in one project may share Resource provisioning outputs.
  • 2: The implementation must validate the files according to the Score specification JSON schema. This validation should take place after applying any additional overrides or defaults.
    • 2.1: The implementation should apply implementation-specific validation to ensure that workloads abide by platform-specific or implementation-specific limitations. Report any errors clearly to the user. For example, some platforms don’t support mounted containers.*.files and have no choice but to reject Score workloads that use these attributes.
  • 3: Command line implementations should support the following:
    • 3.1: Implement an init subcommand to initialize any local state in the project directory. This isn’t required if the implementation requires no local state. The init subcommand should generate a sample Score file if one doesn’t exist.
    • 3.2: Implement a generate subcommand for accepting Score files and their configuration from the user, provisioning resources, and converting to the final manifests. Running the generate subcommand must be additive and idempotent.

Resource provisioning

As described in the Resources section of the specification, each Workload may include a set of resources in the form:

    type: string # required
    class: string 
    id: string
    params: {}

In the resource provisioning phase, the Score implementation must match each resource using its declared type, optional class, and optional id, to a function which returns appropriate outputs for that resource. Use optional resource parameters to configure this process. This “provisioning” function may be very simple and return static known values for the resource, or very complex and result in the provisioning of real infrastructure to meet the need using an external API or external state storage.

  • 1: The implementation must produce valid outputs or fail for each declared resource. The implementation must not ignore a resource.
  • 2: The implementation must treat an empty resource class as equivalent to the default class.
  • 3: A non-empty id indicates a “shared” instance of a resource which the implementation should only provision once and link to from all resource statements using the same type, class, and id.
  • 4: The outputs for each supported resource type must be predictable and documented. For example, resources of type postgres return outputs for host, port, database, username, and password.
  • 5: The outputs of resource provisioning must be stable within the project. Maintain any resource state between provisioning executions.
  • 6: The params object of each resource must support placeholder references or fail with a clear message. Placeholders in the params may refer to the outputs of other resources within the same Workload.
  • 7: The implementation shouldn’t store any private or secret resource outputs as plain text in local state files. The implementation should use whatever runtime secret injection mechanisms are available to protect these values and inject them into the Workload Conversion process as necessary. Use score-k8s as an example of such an encoding and resolution mechanism.

Note, the most basic Score implementation might not support any resource types and may return a “not supported” error if a Workload declares any. This is inconvenient but valid behavior.

A common pattern for resource provisioning is to store “provisioner” templates in the local project state and use these to build the outputs of each resource and optionally generate additional deployment manifests. Both score-compose and score-k8s use this approach to provide template and exec provisioners via YAML files.

Workload conversion

Once the implementation has provisioned all resources and determined the outputs, workload conversion can take place.

  • 1: The implementation must convert each Workload into a deployment manifest appropriate for the target platform.
  • 2: The implementation should configure all containers in the same Workload within the same network context or pod. If this isn’t supported, the implementation must either fail or warn that runtime behavior may differ from what the user expects.
  • 3: Resolve all Placeholder references or report an appropriate error. If a placeholder resolves to a secret resource output, inject the value securely into the deployment manifest by mounting the secret or decrypting it at runtime.
  • 4: The implementation must convert all parts of the Workload that are compatible with the target platform. Any unsupported elements should cause the conversion to fail. Use safe defaults necessary for undeclared but required elements.

Writing a Score implementation in Go

You can write a Score implementation in any language or framework, however Go is the recommended runtime due to the availability of the library which provides Go types, validation functions, and utilities for working with Score files. You can use the template repository as a basis for a new Go-based Score implementation.

As indicated in the, the sample comes complete with:

  1. A command line skeleton including init andgenerate subcommands
    • generate --overrides-file and generate --override-property for applying Score overrides before conversion
    • generate --image for overriding the workload image before conversion.
    • Full placeholder support for ${metadata...} and ${resource...} expressions in the workload variables, files, and resource parameters.
  2. State directory storage in .score-implementation-sample/
  3. TODO statements in place of Resource Provisioning and Workload Conversion

To adapt this for your target platform, you should:

  1. Fork the repository or use the “use as template” button in GitHub. This flattens the commit history.
  2. Rename the go module by replacing all instances of with your own module name.
  3. Replace all other instances of score-implementation-sample with your own score-xyz name including renaming the cmd/score-implementation-sample directory.
  4. Run the tests with go test -v ./... to ensure the renamed code works correctly.
  5. Change the TODO in provisioning.go to provision resources and set the resource outputs. The existing implementation resolves placeholders in the resource parameters but doesn’t set any resource outputs.
  6. Change the TODO in convert.go to convert workloads into the target manifest form. The existing implementation resolves placeholders in the variables and files sections but just returns the workload spec as YAML content in the manifests.