
Get started with the score-helm CLI


The score-helm CLI allows developers to translate their Score specification into Helm values files. Below you’ll find an overview of:

For additional details and opportunities to contribute to the project, visit the score-helm GitHub repository.


You can install the score-helm CLI in a variety of ways:


Prerequisites: You must have brew installed.

brew install score-spec/tap/score-helm


Prerequisites: You must have Go installed.

go install -v


Prerequisites: You must have Docker installed.

  1. Download the repository. The following example uses the GitHub CLI to download the project.
gh repo clone score-spec/score-helm
  1. Change directories into score-helm.
cd score-helm
  1. Build the Docker image by running the following command in the same directory as the Dockerfile.
docker build -t score-helm:latest .
  1. Run the Docker image by using the docker run command.
docker run -it score-helm:latest

If you want to run score-helm with the --help flag to view the available options, you would run the following command.

docker run -it score-helm:latest --help

This will start a new container based on the image you built, run score-helm with the --help flag, and then stop the container.

Manual download

The following methods download the score-helm CLI from its GitHub release page:

1. Download the latest release from the GitHub release page:


2. Unpack the latest release

tar xvzf score-helm.tgz

The following is the output of the previous command:

x score-helm

3. Clean up the tar file

rm score-helm.tgz LICENSE

4. Move the binary to PATH

sudo mv ./score-helm /usr/local/bin/score-helm
sudo chown root: /usr/local/bin/score-helm

You’ve successfully installed the score-helm CLI!

1. Download the latest release from the GitHub release page:


You should see something similar to the following output:

Saving to: score-helm<x.y.z>_<os_system>.tar.gz

score-helm_<x.y.z> 100%[===================>]   2.85M  5.28MB/s    in 0.5s

2. Install into your local directory

In your terminal, enter the following to create the score-spec directory.

cd /usr/local/bin/
# create the directory if needed
mkdir -pv score-spec

Extract the compressed Tar file (You may need to run this command with elevated permissions):

tar -xvzf ~/<your-path>/score-helm_<x.y.z>_<os_system>.tar.gz

You should see the following output:

x score-helm

3: Export PATH

Future terminal sessions may require you add this path to your ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc file, if it isn’t there already.

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin/

4: Verify installation

score-helm --version

The command returns the following output:

score-helm <x.y.z>

You’ve successfully installed the score-helm CLI!

1. Download the latest compressed Tar file for your operating system from the GitHub release page. By default, the tarball will be saved to your ~/Downloads directory. If you choose to use a different location, you’ll need to change that in the following steps.


2. Install into your local directory

In your terminal, enter the following to create the score-spec directory.

cd /usr/local/bin/
# create the directory if needed
mkdir -pv score-spec

Extract the compressed Tar file (You may need to run the previous command with elevated permissions).

tar -xvzf ~/Downloads/score-helm<x.y.z>_darwin_arm64.tar.gz -C /usr/local/bin/

You should see the following output:

x score-helm

3. Export PATH

Future terminal sessions may require you add this path to your ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc file, if it isn’t there already.

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin/

4. Verify installation

score-helm --version

The command returns the following output:

score-helm x.y.z

You’ve successfully installed the score-helm CLI!

1. Download the latest release from the GitHub release page.

2. Decompress the zip file, and move the binary to your PATH.

You’ve successfully installed the score-helm CLI!

CLI Reference

The score-helm CLI provides a set of commands and flags to enable the generation of Helm values files from Score specifications.



Translates the Score file into a Helm values.yaml file.

score-helm run --file ./score.yaml \
  --output ./values.yaml


The run command can be combined with the following flags:

--file | -f

Specifies a Score file to initialize. By default this is ./score.yaml.

score-helm run -f ./another-score.yaml

--help | -h

Help for the run command.

score-helm run -h

--output | -o

The output location of the helm file. Uses the default value ./helm.yaml if the flag isn’t specified.

score-helm run -f ./score.yaml -o ./another-helm.yaml


Specifies the path to the override file. Uses the default value ./overrides.score.yaml if the flag isn’t specified.

score-helm run -f ./score.yaml \
  -o ./values.yaml \
  --overrides ./overrides.score.yaml


Overrides selected property value.


Specifies the path that declares reference dependencies, or resource property, values that are environment-specific.

score-helm run -f ./score.yaml --values ./env.yaml -o ./values.yaml


Enables a stream to which error messages are sent.

score-helm run -f ./score.yaml -o ./values.yaml --verbose


Explore examples for score-helm in the examples library on GitHub.

If you encounter any issues or have questions, feel free to reach out to us in the Score channel on the CNCF Slack (